Many many times I’ve seen and worked with codebases that use JPA with Hibernate. Most of these systems were implemented by developers who knew little about the details of Hibernate.
I created the course to close this gap and improve the quality of applications around the world. I want you to experience how fun it is to work with Hibernate and where it can and cannot help. Just a fairly simple example. It won’t protect you from SQL injection unless you form your queries properly. However, it can help you improve your capabilities to read data and fine tune your write scenarios as well. And that’s what the course is focusing on.
I’m a big fan of the learn through practice concept, and the course is built based on those pillars. After almost every section there is a practice exercise with real coding to really make sure you understand these features. And also, all the sections are walking you through practical examples instead of staying on a hypothetical level.
It’s exceptionally useful if you work with JPA or Hibernate on a daily basis to boost your performance and help achieving strategic goals.
The agenda of the course looks the following
- Introduction
- Entity-state transitions
- Data fetching
- Projections
- Concurrency control
- Flushing
- Batch operations
- Closing
You can also find the respective practices here on GitHub.